Creating a Retrosynthesis Plan
Create Retrosynthesis Plan on the Home Page
On the Home page, click the Retrosynthetic Analysis tile. After drawing or importing a structure, click the Start Retrosynthetic Anal...
Create Retrosynthesis Plan from a Substance Window
Clicking a substance structure image in CAS SciFinder opens the substance window. If retrosynthesis is available for the substance, you...
Plan Options
The default options for retrosynthesis plans are: Rules Supporting Predicted Reactions: Common Break and Protect Bonds: None Starti...
Retrosynthesis Validation
Structures submitted for retrosynthesis are validated for errors or unsupported features. Retrosynthesis Not Available If you receive t...
Retrosynthesis Plan in Progress
On the Home page under Recent Search History, you will see your plan is in progress: If the Open Plan button is inactive, both experim...