To draw a structure query, click the Draw button in the search field to open the structure editor.
Select the preferred structure editor from the menu in the upper-left corner. Using CAS Draw or ChemDoodle, you have the option to import a structure with CAS Draw, ChemDoodle, or ChemDraw or draw a structure query using CAS Draw or ChemDoodle.
The search will retrieve reactions that include the reactants, reagents, or products that you draw, either as complete structures, or as substructures. As when searching for substances, you can apply substructure query features to narrow or broaden the search for the substructures embedded in the substances matched. You can also add reaction query features that focus on particular reaction transformations. When the query is complete, click OK.
If needed, you can click Edit Drawing to return to the Structure Editor, or Remove to delete the structure query.
Click the magnifying glass to submit the query.
The results are displayed on the Reactions page.