Advanced Search
Find References Using Advanced Search Fields
Note: For the References search type with a term in the field, the Author Name Advanced Search Field with the AND operator is present b...
Find References by a Specific Author
Using a combination of Advanced Search Fields and the Author filter, you may find references by a particular author. In the following e...
Find References Using Author and Keywords
Using a combination of the Author and Abstract/Keywords Advanced Search fields, you may find references by a particular author and keyw...
Find References Associated with a Company or Organization
Using Advanced Search, you may find references associated a particular company or organization. In the following example, we want to fi...
Find a Reference Using Publication Information
Using Advanced Search Fields, you may find a specific reference using information about the publication in which it was published. In t...
Find References Using CODEN, Keyword, and Publication Year
Using Advanced Search Fields, you may find references using information such as a document identifier like CODEN, keywords, and publica...
Find Patent References by Assignee
Using Advanced Search, you may find patent references by assignee. In the following example, we want to find any patent references with...
Find Patent References by Inventor
Using Advanced Search, you may find patent references by inventor. In the following example, we want to find any patent references with...
Find References by ORCID iD
Using Advanced Search, you may find references by ORCID iD. The ORCID iD is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify aut...
Reference Advanced Search Examples
Example 1 This query is processed as: (Viscosity OR Humidity) AND Permeability This means each reference must have Permeabilit...