To view full-text options for a reference, click the Full Text button and then select one of the following options:
Journal References |
Patent References |
For references that are European patents, clicking the Espacenet link opens the reference's result page on the European Patent Office's website, where you can obtain a copy.
For references that are journals, selecting DOI (digital object identifier) will open the webpage where the full text of the journal is available.
View All Sources
Selecting View all Sources opens a page in a separate tab that, depending on the reference document type and your account, may display some of the following options:
- In-House Resources:
- Customer-configured links: If configured by an institution, clicking a link will open a separate window/tab displaying the reference in the institution's library catalog.
- Request source from your institution: This option is available if your institution has an in-house link configured and a document request default e-mail address set. Clicking the link opens the In-House Document Request window.
- DOI (journals only): Clicking the link under this option opens the webpage where the full text of the reference is available.
- Publisher Resources (journals only):
- PDF: PDF of the reference from the publisher's website.
- HTML: Webpage for the reference on the publisher's site.
- ESPACENET (European patents only): Clicking the Espacenet link opens the reference's result page on the European Patent Office's website, where you can obtain a copy.
- Fee-Based Document Resources: Click the Order Document link to open the Article Galaxy page, where you can order a copy of the document.