Save Plan
Click the Save button, and then select Save Result.
Name your plan. You may also apply an existing tag or create a new one. You may click a color to assign it to the tag.
- Tag names are not case sensitive; for example, if you have existing tag named "For Review" that uses purple, attempting to create new tag named "for review" with the same color just applies the existing "For Review" tag.
- Naming a tag using an existing tag name but different color creates a new tag.
Click the Save button.
The plan will now appear on the Your Saved Items page.
Important: Saved retrosynthesis plans expire 30 days after the date they are first generated, not saved.
Share Plan
To share your plan via email, click the Save button, and then select Share Results.
In the Share Results window, enter the desired email addresses and an optional message that will appear in the body of the message, and then click the Send button.
To share your plan via a URL, click the Save button, and then select Copy Search to Keyboard.