Based on known reactions in CASREACT, the plan displays viable synthetic steps to the target substance.
Important: Retrosynthesis plans expire 30 days after the date they are first generated.
Click the list icon Click the arrow to collapse/expand the Plan Information/Scoring Profiles pane. Click the Predicted Steps to display/hide predicted steps in the plan and alternatives. View excluded structures and steps for the plan with the option to reintroduce them if you are the plan owner. Note: The ability to exclude options and view excluded options is only available when Predicted Results are switched ON. Download the plan in PDF format. Click the Save button for options to save and share the plan via email or URL. Click Edit Plan Options to edit the parameters for plan generation and submit a revised plan. Note: The original plan remains, and revisions are reflected in a new plan. Click the reaction node Click a structure image to view substance information, download the image as a .png file, and create a new retrosynthesis plan based on the substance.
Click the shopping cart Click + or - to zoom the plan in or out. Click Reset to return to default the view. You may also use the scroll wheel on your mouse. Click-and-drag the plan to move it. |