You may search references using the asterisk (* - match 0 or more characters) and question mark (? - match 0 or 1 character) wildcard characters.
Wildcard queries search a reference's:
- Title
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Substances/Medline Chemicals
- CAplus Concepts
- Medline MeSH
- Medline Supplementary Terms
Wildcard characters can be used within a term or at the end of a term, but not at the beginning. Leading wildcard characters are not supported and are ignored in a query.
- Wildcards contained within quotes are ignored.
- Wildcards do not find two terms that a separated by a space (for example, water?based will find water-based but not water based).
Asterisk (*) wildcard queries return references containing:
- An exact match that includes the asterisk.
- The root term.
- Terms with 0 or more additional non-space characters from the root.
Question mark (?) wildcard queries return references containing:
- An exact match that includes the question mark.
- The root term.
- Terms with 0 or 1 additional non-space characters from the root.
The query Adsor* will match terms such as:
- Adsorbents
- Adsorbers
- Adsorption
The query alumin?um will match terms such as:
- Aluminum
- Aluminium
- A term must have at least 3 non-wildcard characters for a wildcard to be searched. If a term has less than 3 non-wildcard characters, any wildcard terms will be searched literally.
- A search query cannot contain more than 5 wildcard terms.
Reference Search Wildcard Rules
Important: Synthesis of, Preparation of, Production of, and Biosynthesis of queries are currently not eligible for wildcard searching.
In order for wildcard searching to work:
- A search term may only use 1 wildcard character (* or ?). Terms with 2 or more non-consecutive wildcards (or consecutive wildcards of differing types) are searched literally without wildcard functionality. Consecutive wildcards of the same type (* or ?) within a term are treated as one.
- (R*,S*,R*,S*)-2,3,6,7-Tetrachlorooctane searched literally, this will only return documents with (R*,S*,R*,S*)-2,3,6,7-Tetrachlorooctane
- Ben*?ene searched literally as Ben*?ene
- Ben**ene wildcard searched as Ben*ene
- Ben??ene wildcard searched as Ben?ene
- A search term cannot begin with a wildcard character. The wildcard character is ignored and the remaining characters are searched literally without wildcard functionality.
- **nzene searched as nzene, which would not return benzene
- ?cetone searched as cetone
- A search term ending in a wildcard character must be preceded by at least 3 characters.
- Ben* = valid wildcard term
- Be* = invalid wildcard term
- A query may not contain more than 5 valid wildcard search terms. If a query contains over 5 wildcard terms (? or * ), an error message displays. Note: Wildcard characters used in literal search terms do not count toward the limit.
- wat* ben? acet* car* tetra? hydro* = error message because there 6 valid wildcard terms.
- wat* (R*,R*,R*) car* ben?ene (S*,R*,S*) acet? = valid query because there are 4 valid wildcard terms: wat*, car*, ben?ene, acet? and 2 literal searches: (R*,R*,R*), (S*,R*,S*).