For You displays a list of up to eight curated, recommended reference results based on the last 30 days of your search trends. The recommended references shown will have been published within the last 6 months.
To view your recommendations, click For You on the home page.
If you've not performed any reference searches in the last 30 days, there will be no recommendations.
Click a reference title to view its detail page in a new tab or window.
Add, Save, and View Recommendations
Click the ellipsis (...) for options to add to project, save, and view your recommendations.
Add Recommendations to a Project
Select Add all to Project to add the currently displayed (up to 8) references to a new or existing project.
Add to an existing project: Select the project to which you'd like to add the results, and then click the Save button.
Create a project and add: Enter a title, select a color, and then click the Add button.
The added project is pre-selected; click the Save button.
Save Your Recommendations
Select Save all to save the currently displayed (up to 8) recommendations.
View Your Recommendations
Select View these References to view up to 25 recommended reference results in a new tab.