Using Advanced Search Fields, you may find references using information such as a document identifier like CODEN, keywords, and publication year. In the following example, let's find articles with the CODEN "VIRUBR," keyword "influenza," and publication year range of 2000-2015.
- Select the References search type.
- Select Document Identifier.
- Enter the CODEN document identifier.
Add another Advanced Search Field, click Select > Abstract/Keywords, and enter the keyword from our example, "influenza."
Add another Advanced Search Field, click Select > Publication Year, and then enter the year range (in our example, 2000-2015).
- Click the icon.
On the References page, we are now seeing references with the keyword "influenza" in the abstract and published in the 2010-2015 year range.
The CODEN document identifier is visible on the Reference Detail page.