April 24, 2023

  • Updated
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Citation Map Enhancements

Citation Map was enhanced with several improvements driven by user requests and feedback. These improvements make it easier to gather all citing and cited references, to share and present the citation map, and quickly get the full picture of the map.

Users are presented with a modal message explaining the new features upon creating a new Citation Map:


Upon viewing the Citation Map, several enhancements are present:

  • A download option is available (in a blue box below) enabling download of PNG images of the Citation Map.
  • The filter pane (yellow box below) is closed on default, allowing more room on the screen for the Citation Map.
  • Counts of cited and citing references (dark blue box below) are presented above each generation of cited/citing documents.


If the user selects the count of references shown in the blue box above, they are able to retrieve the associated citing or cited references for further review:


Include Non-Patent Literature in Global Crossovers for Sequences

Sequence searching has been greatly enhanced with the ability to include non-patent literature in reference crossovers. This enables a more complete review of the available literature.


Filter Reactions by Reaction Scale

To further support customers’ needs in identifying the right reaction, SciFindern has been enhanced with the ability to filter reaction results by scale.



Users now have the ability to customize their experience with SciFindern. From the new settings page, users can select whether filters are manually or automatically applied; whether to send email notifications for alerts; and adjust the display of substance names and images.

From the Account menu, a new option for Settings is presented:


On the Settings page, several customizations are available:


Manually Apply Filters

If the user turns on Manually Apply Filters, an Apply Filters button is presented once filters are selected on any result page; this allows easier application of multiple filters:


Structure Preferences

Display CAS Index Name

If the user turns on Display CAS Index Name, substances are presented with CAS Index Name rather than preferred names when the search is initiated by structure or RN:


Show Structures on Reference Detail

If the user turns off Show Structures on Reference Detail, substances on reference detail pages display without structure images for easier scanning and review:


Alert Preferences

On by default, if the user turns off Alert Preferences, they will stop receiving emails when new results are added to all alert-enabled saved items.

Spectra Detail Display Enhancement

Spectra detail displays were improved for those spectra without images. When only peak data is available, a clearer message is presented to the user indicating there is no image available.
