Export References in Tagged Format (.txt) – Phase 2 of 3
The following fields are now included in the Tagged (.txt) format export.
- PCT Designated States
- Inventor Name
- National Patent Classification
- Patent Application Country
- Patent Application Date
- Patent Application Number
- Patent Assignee
- Patent Country
- Patent Kind Code
- Patent Number
- Priority Application Country
- Priority Application Number
- Priority Application Date
- Citations
- Digital Object Identifier
The following fields will be included in a subsequent release:
- CAS Registry Numbers
- Main IPC
Full Text In-House Document Request
This feature allows a user to request a document from their institution's library via the Full-Text drop-down menu in a reference result or reference detail.
If the user's institution has uploaded an ISSN list and an in-house document request default e-mail address, a Request source from your institution link will be provided in the In-house Resources section accessed by selecting Full Text > View all Sources.
Clicking the Request source from your institution link will open the In-House Document Request window.
The window will be prepopulated with the user’s name and email address if available. The user has the option to modify the prepopulated Name and Email Address fields as well as the option to include comments. There is also an option for the user to receive an email confirmation of the request.
Note: The Name and Email Address fields are required; the Send button will be disabled if either of these fields are empty.
Clicking the Cancel button will close the dialog and return the user to the “All Sources” page with no changes. Clicking the Send button will validate the email format and send the email to the appropriate email address. If the provided email address is not formatted correctly, the user will be notified.
Upon a successful request, the user will be notified that the request has been submitted, and clicking OK will dismiss the notification.
If there is an error and the request is not sent, the user will be notified, and clicking OK will dismiss the notification.
When successful, SFn will send an email to the default email address for the user's institution.
Example of the confirmation email that the user will receive if they selected the Email me a confirmation of the request option.