Sort Substances by Number of Suppliers/References
These features allow a user to sort substances by the number of suppliers or references. Selecting these sort orders displays substances by descending number of suppliers or references. The sorts use the following keys:
- Suppliers:
- Descending Supplier Count (primary key)
- Descending Relevance (secondary key)
- Descending Registry Number (tertiary key)
- References:
- Descending Reference Count (primary key)
- Descending Relevance (secondary key)
- Descending Registry Number (tertiary key)
Changing the sort order has no effect on previously employed filters and the sort order is saved with the query or bookmark if the user saves or shares the sorted substance result set. Selecting a new sort order will refresh the result set and display the result set in the new sort order.
The new sort order is navigable; clicking the browser’s Back button returns the display to the previous sort order.
Facet Substances by the Presence of Isotopes/Metals
This feature allows users to facet substance result sets by the presence of isotopes as well as the presence of metals, similar to the current refine feature in CAS SciFinder.
Each facet will have two bins:
- Containing Isotopes/Metals: Limits the result set to only those substances that possess an atom that is an isotope (or metal).
- Not Containing Isotopes/Metals: Limits the result set to only those substances that DO NOT possess an atom that is an isotope (or metal).
Support Alerts for Markush Structure Searches
This feature allows a user to set an alert on a Patent Markush structure search.
Display MethodsNow Safety Data in Reaction Detail
This feature allows a user to view the safety data associated with a MethodsNow reaction protocol that was previously not displayed in CAS SciFinder-n or CAS SciFinder. If the text is longer than 600 characters, a View More link is present. Clicking this link displays the remaining text, and then the link becomes a View Less link.
Improve Appearance of PDF Downloads
This epic will be completed across a number of builds and is intended to provide higher quality PDF downloads. This release includes the Suppliers result PDF.