January 11, 2018

  • Updated
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ChemZent - Download German Language PDF

This feature allows a ChemZent subscriber to view the original German-language abstract in PDF format.


UX Updates

Converted “All” Result Page Section Headings Into Links

Section headings on the “All” results page now link to the respective content type result set.

Normalized Language for “View All”/”View Fewer” Expanders

Consolidated the multiple expanders within the Sources section of Experimental Properties and Spectra in the Substance Detail view. In previous releases, each experimental property or spectra type within a tab had its own “View All” expander. This was visually unappealing and confusing to the users. In this release, the sources have all been merged into one list in which the first 10 sources are displayed with a single “View All” expander below if required.

Updated the Product Page Titles to Provide More Detail

New page titles appear on the browser tab labels as well as when using browser history and controls. This will also provide a pseudo “breadcrumb” trail to our users. In previous releases, all page titles throughout the product were “CAS SciFinder.” In this release, the page titles will reflect where in the product the user has navigated (e.g. “CAS SciFinder-n Substance Results”).

Patent Markush Alerts

Users are now able to set-up alerts for Patent Markush searches.