- API Structure Searching by .mol File
- Export Reactions, References, and Suppliers via API
- CASDraw: Allow D & T Atoms in R-Groups
- In-Product Messaging
- Asynchronous Downloads
- Update Helper Text
- Refactor Citation Map
API Structure Searching by .mol File
The CAS SciFindern API will now support structure searching by .mol file in addition to .cdxml.
Export Reactions, References, and Suppliers via API
The CAS SciFindern API now supports the ability to export reactions, references, and suppliers to the initiating application. Reactions export in RDFile format, and references and suppliers export in .xlsx format. The current download limits within the application also apply exporting via the API.
CASDraw: Allow D & T Atoms in R-Groups
This update allows for the ability to include D & T (deuterium and tritium) atoms in R-groups in for structure based searching.
In-Product Messaging
This feature introduces in-product messaging to CAS SciFindern in the form of a carousel of slides on the home page.
The slides rotate automatically every 5 seconds unless the tab is not active or the mouse is hovered above the carousel. The slides can be toggled manually using the previous and next arrows or individual slides can be selected using the mechanism below the message area.
Asynchronous Downloads
This feature allows downloads to occur asynchronously so that users can continue to work within CAS SciFindern while waiting for their download to complete rather than being presented with a wait state.
When a user clicks the Download button and then closes the download window, a message displays to the user informing them the download is proceeding.
The message automatically disappears after 8 seconds.
The time-out threshold for downloads has also been increased.
Update Helper Text
The helper text located above the search text box on all search pages was updated to include more examples of accepted search inputs.
Refactor Citation Map
The previous tabular citation map was replaced with a dendrogram visualization.
The citation map has zoom controls and can be panned. If there are more than 25 cited by or citing documents, View 25 More is present; when clicked, up to 25 additional documents display.
Accompanying the citation map is a collapsible drawer (open by default) with three tabs:
- Filter By: Displays filters that allow the user to control what documents display in the citation map. The previous filters, Document Type, Author, and Concept, are retained, and an additional filter for Language has been added.
- Cited By: Displays documents cited by the mapped document.
- Citing: Displays documents citing the mapped document.
Hovering over a cited by or citing document indicator on the citation map provides a tool tip containing the title, bibliographic data, and cited by count for the document.
If the appropriate Cited By or Citing tab of the drawer is active, the document that is being hovered over in the citation map scrolls into view if not already visible and is highlighted.
Clicking Map This for a listed document opens a citation map for the document in a new tab.