- Sort Substances by Number of References Ascending/Descending
- Enhance Extra Large Facet Find
- Reaction Result Set Display Enhancements
- ChemPlanner – Limit Eligible Substances to Minimum of 5 Non-Hydrogen Atoms
- Update Organization Name Advanced Search
Sort Substances by Number of References Ascending/Descending
Substance result sets can now be sorted by Number of References both ascending and descending. Opening the Sort drop-down menu displays the following options:
- Relevance
- Number of References: Ascending
- Number of References: Descending
- Number of Suppliers
Selecting a new sort option immediately updates the result set and returns the user to page 1. Relevance continues to be the default sort order.
Enhance Extra Large Facet Find
The Find tab within extra-large facets has been relabeled Search.
The Search function has also been enhanced to accept wildcard characters (both infix and terminal) and quoted phrases in search terms.
Additionally, a Select All on Page option now appears on the Search tab.
Selecting this option selects (or deselects) all of the facet bins on the current Search tab page. If facet bins are selected, the number of selected bins is indicated. The selected facet bin count appears on all tabs of the large and extra-large facets.
Reaction Result Set Display Enhancements
The reaction result set display has been enhanced in a number of ways:
- When a user first arrives on a Reactions result set, the default View setting is set to Expanded. If a user has previously visited a Reactions result set and has established a sticky View preference of Collapsed, then the previously established preference is retained.
- Reaction schemes now display up to 3 summaries per scheme by default. If there are more than 3 reaction summaries associated with a reaction scheme in a Reactions result set, the first 3 summaries are displayed along with an option to View All Reaction Summaries.
- If the reaction scheme has 4 to 10 associated reaction summaries in the current result set, clicking the View All Reaction Summaries link adds the additional data and displays up to 10 reaction summaries in the current result set display. The View All Reaction Summaries link changes to a View Fewer Reaction Summaries link. Clicking the View Fewer Reaction Summaries link collapses the reaction summaries to display only the 3 most relevant summaries. If the reaction scheme has more than 10 associated reaction summaries in the current result set, clicking the View All Reaction Summaries link opens a reaction group page in accordance with current functionality.
- Reaction summaries now include all reaction participants and condition data. Each step.stage (e.g., 1.1) in a reaction summary includes an ordinal, and within each step.stage, the reaction participants are grouped by role: Reagents, Catalysts, and Solvents. Condition data, if available, follows the reaction participants for each reaction step.stage if present.
- If there are more than 10 lines of step.stage data for a reaction summary, a View All link displays; clicking the link expands the reaction summary to display all reaction summary data and the View All link changes to View Fewer. Clicking the View Fewer link collapses the display, showing only the original 10 lines of data for that reaction summary.
- If there is no reaction participant or condition data for a step.stage in a reaction summary, a place holder (-) displays.
- If there is no reaction participant or condition data for an entire reaction, the place holder text No Data Available displays.
- The View Reaction Detail, Experimental Protocols, and reference title links now all open in a new tab.
ChemPlanner – Limit Eligible Substances to Minimum of 5 Non-Hydrogen Atoms
The limit of 3 non-hydrogen atoms required to be present in a retrosynthetic target in order for the target to be eligible has increased to 5. Attempting to create a retrosynthesis plan or set plan options for a retrosynthetic target with less than 5 non-hydrogen atoms displays an error. Clicking the Learn more link directs the user to the help files.
Registered substances with less than 5 non-hydrogen atoms have an inactive Create Retrosynthesis Plan option in their substance information windows.
Update Organization Name Advanced Search
The Advanced Reference Search > Organization feature is now enhanced to include the organization’s subdivision and country in the searchable content for CAplus references in addition to the organization name.
For example, queries such as "Department of Chemistry The Ohio State University" or "Bayer Japan" can now be used for more precise searching.
The organization’s subdivision, name and/or country is now highlighted accordingly when viewing a reference detail within a reference result set returned from an Organization advanced search.
Additionally, the addresses associated with the non-first-listed authors in MEDLINE references are now searchable as well.